The Future Of Los Altos And Why Your Voice Matters

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As we head into the final week before the November 6th election, FOLA’s been asked for consolidated email of our recent election related articles. FOLA appreciates the collective passion of our 6,900+ readers, and their desire to maintain Los Altos as a great place to live and to raise and educate a family.

Detailed Analysis of Measure C

The purpose of this extensive analysis was not to recommend a yes or no vote on Measure C. Rather, but to provide some insight on the arguments against Measure C.  In preparation of this analysis, FOLA made an effort to collect all arguments advanced against Measure C, and then evaluate each. This collection of the arguments has incorporated a wide variety of sources. It is derived from the opposing ballot statements, newspaper letters to editors, lists from various groups, opposition mailers, candidate forums, and personal meetings.

Summary of FOLA’s Analysis of Measure C

Friends of Los Altos (FOLA) has published a lengthy position paper on Measure C (the article referred to above) which provides a detailed analysis of the various arguments against the Measure. The summary below is intended to be a brief recap of the analysis that can be found in the original position paper and is a quicker read for those who don’t want the full details of the analysis in the original paper.

The Right Stuff: Our Review of City Council Candidates

Its election time again. Once every two years we get the privilege to choose among a group of candidates-some new, one who ran last election, and an incumbent– to represent us on City Council—in this year’s election we get to choose two. Here’s FOLA’s analysis of the five candidates running for City Council and our thoughts about who might make the best new Council members.

Vote No on Mordo? – should Mordo have to go?

On October 3, 2018, the Daily Post editorial made the following strong recommendation against re-electing Jean Mordo to the Los Altos City Council. Mordo has been heavy-handed with women … bullied members of the public — both men and women — and at one point yelled at a person in the audience.  FOLA believes that Mayor Mordo is not the right person going forward to help Los Altos deal with a variety of issues coming before the City Council in the near future.

About the Friends of Los Altos

Our Board of Directors is committed to a balanced, unbiased, fact-based approach, and is intended to serve as a bridge within our community. Collectively, the Directors of the Friends of Los Altos have lived in the City of Los Altos for over 125 years. Their extensive leadership experience includes over 40 years on the Los Altos City Council and the Los Altos School District Board of Trustees. Their service to Los Altans also includes leadership positions with a broad range of non-profit organizations, including the Boy Scouts, Los Altos Neighborhood Network, Los Altos Village Association and the Rotary Club of Los Altos.

Friends of Los Altos, Inc. (FOLA) is a non-profit, non-partisan, volunteer-run organization comprised of City of Los Altos residents.  Founded in 2013, FOLA was created to ensure that issues of critical importance and decisions with long-lasting impact reflect the values of the broader community of Los Altans.  In 2014, Friends of Los Altos (FOLA) consolidated with Los Altos Neighborhood Network (LANN).  Visit for more information and to sign up to receive the organization’s periodic emails on topics of vital concern to City of Los Altos residents, or write to Friends of Los Altos, P. O. Box 3314, Los Altos, CA 94024.